About this Site

…or why I made this particular website

Hello! I type this post from my desk in a certain village, in a certain city, in a certain region in the country called The Republic of Philippines.

And there are two facts about this country.


I’ve always read in books and travel papers and such, that we’re known for being musically inclined. And we are actually. We sing and dance on all occasions, and that instinctive drive to sing may very well be genetic to us. I should know. We’ve taken to karaoke as if it was our own. This is probably the only place in the world where Sinatra’s “My Way” has a fatal track record. (More on that another day).


Randy David once commented in his book that, the Wandering Jew has turned into the wandering Filipino. Face it, third world crappiness has forced many to wander about and as far I know, my race occupies almost every single part of the world.

So what does that mean? This means, well, actually it didn’t mean anything except to say, that I want to spread Filipino music all over. It’s not any patriotic desire or anything. It’s more of: “Hey! this song’s nice. Listen to it!! Quick!” but I can’t because too little people know of my beloved language. Even hybrid Pinoys out there might not even understand some of the language. It sucks. I’ve always wanted to share songs in Filipino to my foreign friends. Especially before when I wanted to rant to my English ex-boyfriend about Eraserheads. But how can I? He doesn’t understand those mind provoking lyrics that the band made. And back then I was too lazy to translate it. And sadly, there are only a few Filipino-to-English song translation sites in the net.

Well I’m bored now. extra extra time ^__^

Therefore, I’ve decided to make it my personal mission to transcribe songs from my playlist and translate it for my  countrymen out there who somehow managed to forget how to speak in this language.

God bless the deed and god bless the worker.

OH! And if you find another site with content like this, please do tell me and I’ll post links ^__^ I love company.

And if I miss some songs, just refer them to me and I’ll do my best to translate it for you. LOVE LOVE LOVE mwuah.

<<<oh and if I get bored I might just blog here too haha>>